The peak industry body for Yarra Valley wine providing technical, marketing and advocacy support to wineries, growers and producers
Wine Yarra Valley is the peak body for the Yarra Valley wine industry, providing leadership and support to ensure the future success and sustainability of the industry.
Our vision is that the Yarra Valley wine region is recognised globally for cool-climate wine excellence, enhanced visitor experiences and leadership in sustainable practices.
WYV exists to ensure effective stewardship of the Yarra Valley wine industry, for a sustainable and successful future.

Promoting our region
We are a not-for-profit member organisation that partners with a range of industries and organisations, to protect the future of the Yarra Valley wine industry and the region. We do this by:
- Providing leadership and direction for the continuing growth of the Yarra Valley brand locally, nationally and internationally
- Supporting continuous improvement in grape and wine quality and the ongoing development of wine styles
- Advocating and representing the interests of all our members and the region to industry, government, and community bodies
WYV creates opportunities for members to work collaboratively to achieve greater outcomes than they could individually.
Wine Yarra Valley’s activities
Through our broad array of activities, we aim to position the Yarra Valley as Australia’s number one wine region within the local, national and international marketplace. Members are encouraged to take part in these activities and help build regional strength and leverage their own reputation and activities.
Brand Awareness and Stakeholder Engagement
Promoting the Yarra Valley brand and regional wine tourism via digital communications, events program and industry initiatives, including the Yarra Valley Wine Show, to increase the profile of Yarra Valley wine and increase visitation.
Technical Excellence
Develop and deliver an annual workshop program for members to increase knowledge sharing and excellence in all aspect of growing and making, with a focus on sustainability in growing, making and business practices.
Taking a leadership role and advocating on issues such as phylloxera management, smoke taint and industry levies, regularly communicating with government and industry bodies and seeking funding opportunities to support the region.

Wine Yarra Valley relies on strong membership to fund its activities and to have a credible voice with government and industry bodies. Active members are the lifeblood of the association, they ensure goals are achieved and they create value which benefits the whole industry.
A strong membership base is critical to the success of the association achieving its goals. Wine Yarra Valley has 90 members consisting of grape growers and winemakers, ranging from large, globally recognised wine brands, to small, artisan producers.
Full Membership
A Full Member refers to a person or entity who:
- Conducts a bearing vineyard within the Yarra Valley region having an area of not less than 1 hectare OR
- Conducts a business of winemaking within the Yarra Valley region producing a minimum of 300 x 9 litre cases or equivalent of wine from Yarra Valley fruit conforming to the Label Integrity Program requirements as outlined by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority.
Fees for full membership are calculated based on four components:
- Base Fee (payable annually)
- Cellar Door Fee (applies to all wineries operating a Cellar Door facility)
- Total area of hectares under vine whether owned or leased
- Total tonnes of grapes crushed in the previous year for your own label(s)
Membership fees can be paid either in full or in two instalments. It should also be noted that wineries are requested to contribute 12 bottles of wine to the WYV’s promotional stock per year. This will be called upon when required.
Associate Membership
An Associate Member refers to:
- An entity or person who conducts a vineyard within the Yarra Valley having an area of less than one hectare or produces less that 300 x 9 litre cases or equivalent of wine from Yarra Valley fruit OR
- An entity or person having a particular interest in and knowledge of which, at the absolute discretion of the Committee, contributes to the aims of the Association, and is not otherwise eligible for full membership and, in the case of an entity, is represented by a person nominated by that entity.
Membership terms
Membership fees must be paid in full before 30th September to avoid membership cancellation.
Wine Victoria and Australian Grape and Wine
Australian Grape and Wine and Wine Victoria are the peak national and state industry bodies that provide important support to industry through advocating to governments for both financial support and on issues critical to the industry’s success such as tax reform and labelling law.
Wine Yarra Valley now collects and transfers membership fees on behalf of both the State and Federal industry bodies, Wine Victoria and Australian Grape & Wine (AG&W).
Industry Partnerships
Wine Yarra Valley has built strong, collaborative relationships with several peak bodies within the Australian wine industry.
Wine Australia
The Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA), trading as Wine Australia, is the single Australian Government Statutory Service Body for the Australian grape and wine community.
Wine Australia support a competitive wine sector by investing in research, development and extension, growing domestic and international markets, protecting the reputation of Australian wine and administering the Export and Regional Wine Support Package.
Vinehealth Australia
Vinehealth Australia (formerly the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of SA) is committed to minimising the risk of pests and diseases (in particular Phylloxera) in vineyards, by investing in biosecurity training and awareness, policy and procedures, research and development priority setting, and preparedness, prevention and response activities, to the benefit of the South Australian and national wine industry.
Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)
The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) is the Australian grape and wine industry’s own research organisation. It supports a sustainable and successful grape and wine industry through world-class research, practical solutions and knowledge transfer.
Australian Grape and Wine
Australian Grape and Wine is the peak national body for the Australian wine industry. Grape and Wine was created as a single, national, united representative body for Australian grape growing and winemaking business, from the amalgamation of the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia and Australian Vignerons on 1 February 2019.
Wine Victoria
Wine Victoria is the peak body representing the viticultural and winemaking interests of the state.
Wine Victoria’s core functions are to provide leadership and strategy, to represent the industry and lobby on its behalf, and to provide advisory services to members which underpin the sustainability and competitiveness of members’ wine business.